
APRIL 26, 2008

President Mark Zauhar called the meeting to order 1:00 p.m.

Members present: Mark Zauhar, Glenn Vinton, Darrel Terning, Neil Winston, Peter Falk III, Glen Lonneman, Steve Richards, Kim Krueger, and Jim Walkowiak.

Members absent: Glenn McLeod, David Smith, David Stearns, Stan Durda, Paul Cyr, Ron Noren.

Others present: Ron Baker, Steve Schmidt, Tom Townsend, Mark Stevens, and Jack Weller

Mark Z read the minutes from the December 2007 meeting with Glen Lonneman noting one correction. David Stearns was not in attendance in December.

Darrel T presented current financial information noting that the MTA has not received the 2007 donation from the Alexandria Eagles yet. Steve Schmidt stated he would follow up on the donation. Darrel then discussed the bonding requirement for the treasurer as set forth in the current bylaws. At the December meeting, Darrel was requested to inquire on the cost of bonds. Darrel reported that bonds are cheap, however, the MTA would have to change its current way of doing things such as: dual signatures on the checks and developing a system of internal controls were the treasurer does not reconcile the bank, make the deposits and write the checks. Kim K motioned and Jim W seconded not to obtain a bond on the treasure at this time with all voting in favor.

Mark Z discussed the newly updated bylaws. Jim W discussed the ex officio position and length of term. Glen L motioned and Jim W seconded that the term of ex officio will end the election following the term of his/her replacement. Discussion included if a president is reelected for more than 1 term, the ex officio term would end at the conclusion of the reelected presidents first term. President Mark Z called for a hand vote in which all voted in favor of this change.

Kim K motioned and Peter F seconded to accept the amended bylaws. Mark Z called for a vote of hands with all voting in favor. 9 yes nobody voted no.

Ron Baker and Mark Zauhar were repeatedly thanked for their hard work on rewriting and updated these bylaws.

Mark Stevens of Mound MN discussed a new youth proposal. Mark has approached 5 clubs in central Minnesota about having 1 day registered shoots for youth shooters and new to the ATA members. He spoke to clubs who have in the past held registered events and are not longer doing so. Of the 5, 3 said yes—Watertown, Park Gun Club located in Orono, and Waverly. A reason for holding these events is to educate new shooters about what to expect at a registered shoot including classifying, squading cashiering etc. Other reasons include opening up opportunities at clubs who have been out of registered shooting for years. The shooters would have to pay $23 per hundred to the clubs and a $5 lewis would also be made available. Marks’ request was for the MTA to wave the $50 club membership for these 3 clubs and assist in paying up to $200 for new labeling on trophies which Ron Baker has donated to this initiative. The board suggested paying an additional $100 per club for incidentals such as beverages and food and donating the old trophies of the MTA which were not awarded in the past. Marks’ intension for this year is to have a chain shoot with these 3 clubs much like the chain shoots in the southwestern part of the USA. Ron Baker motioned and Kim K seconded to wave the $50 club dues for these 3 clubs, pay up to $200 for renaming on the trophies, plus pay $100 per club for incidentals as Mark Stevens deems necessary. All voted in favor.

Mark Z discussed the state shoot program and advertising. He said all is going smoothly and on track.

State team requirements were discussed. Mark Z requested to leave the team requirements alone and not to change them. Kim K researched with numerous other states in the region concerning their requirements. Kim K discussed requiring the Senior Vets and Sub-Junior categories shoot doubles. Jim W presented a proposal as follows:

To be eligible for All State considerations:

1. Shooters must shoot 700 singles, 700 handicap, and 500 doubles in state with the exception of Senior-Vet and Sub-Junior categories which are not required to shoot doubles.

2. Shooters must complete the HAA (High All-Around) -400 targets-at either the Minnesota Zone Shoots or the Minnesota State Shoot.

3. Shooters must compete at a minimum of 4 clubs in Minnesota. The state shoot counts as 1 club and the zone counts as 1 club. Example, if the Northern Zone shoot is held in Alexandria in June and the individual shoots there and competes at the State shoot, this would qualify as 2 clubs.



16 Yard















Sub Junior








Senior Veteran




Jim W motioned and Steve R seconded to adopt the above proposal for target year 2009. All voted in favor.

Mark Z discussed a High School State Shoot. Mark proposed to have the MTA be a sponsor of the event. Kim K motioned and Glen L seconded to pursue this event farther. All voted in favor.

Neil W with Darrel discussed the financial situation of the MTA in the event the MTA is down shooters this year. Currently the MTA breaks even at the state shoot in terms of throwing targets. We charge $26.50 and expense out the same. The program does make some money. Per Neil’s’ analysis, if the MTA is down 20%, the organization stands to lose a small amount of money. The next discussion was concerning the amount of money the youth generates and how the MTA reimburses the general fund for youth costs. Neil and Darrel did significant research and it was concluded that $11,400 should be transferred from the operating account to the youth account for 2007. All agreed and Darrel will transfer the money.

Mark Z discussed the miss and out event which Bob Schultz will sponsor at the state shoot this year. 

Steve Schmidt will order the shells for the youth day. Federal has been less than responsive to our request for a donation.

Mark Z discussed upgrading the Hall of Fame display the MTA currently has. Steve S will get bids to reframe and mat the pictures.

Tom Townsend spoke about the Friends of the NRA banquet held at ASP on Friday evening. He stated a significant amount of money is available on request.

Kim K motioned and Peter F seconded to adjourn at 3:48 p.m. All voted in favor.