1, 2007
called to order
9:30 a.m.
by President Mark Zauhar
Members present:Mark
Zauhar, Darrel Terning, Steve Richards,
Peter Falk
III, Kim Krueger, Stan Durda, Neil Winston, Dave Smith,
Ron Noren
, and Jim Walkowiak
Board Members absent:
Glenn Vinton
, Glen Lonneman, Glenn McLeod,
Paul Cyr
Present:Ronald Baker,
Steve Schmidt
Darrel presented the financial information of the
organization.The net
profit at
October 31, 2007
was $44,350.$60,000
has been transferred into a CD.The balance of the youth savings account was $24,598.Discussions included the loss incurred due to the
banquet of $675.Darrel
reported that we bought extra meals due to the fact that we ran out
of food in past years.Darrel
suggested limiting the number of tickets to 200 which would allow
for better meal counts.The
board also discussed the
evening generated about $30,500 to help offset the youth costs and
increase the youth savings. Discussions followed concerning the
Prepaid Juniors amount of $1,025.This came as a result of the Sioux Indian Shoot being
discontinued and the cash balance of the checking account
transferred to the MTA checkbook.Kim motioned and Peter seconded to transfer the amount to the
Junior Savings account.All
voted in favor.
read the minutes of the September 2007 board meeting.
presented an initiative for a youth program.Discussion included the fact that the MTA now has a cash
balance to use toward promoting youth trapshooting activities beyond
just the state shoot youth day.The MTA has adopted the SCTP format for youth shooting and
needs to support clubs in promoting the SCTP program.Kim motioned to have the MTA reimburse clubs who have a SCTP
program in place up to $200 for the purchase of Educational/Training
materials and to reimburse clubs $1 per qualifying round shot by
SCTP participants at their respective club with a maximum to be
spent for 2008 of $10,000.Clubs
need to submit copies of receipts to prove the purchase of
educational/training materials and a listing of names with the
scores shot to receive reimbursement to Darrel Terning.Moneys will be paid on a first come basis.Jim seconded the motion with all voting in favor.Each participant is required to shoot 8 rounds of 25 under
the SCTP format.This
is the max per shooter to be reimbursed.
board discussed the financial support the MTA will provide for youth
SCTP teams who attend the Grand.Kim motioned for the MTA to pay $200 per team up to $2,400
maximum.Proof of
attendance is needed for reimbursement prior to payment.Priority will be given to the 1st through 3rd
place teams per category.In
the event more teams wish to go to the Grand and all monies have
been spent, the MTA Secretary can ask for additional outside
seconded the vote and all voted in favor.
presented potential revisions to the MTA bylaws.Numerous revisions were made to the bylaws adopted
July 14, 1984
. References to member clubs voting rights have been eliminated
1.10 Quorum subsection (a) has been eliminated.Stan motioned that 50 members shall constitute a quorum for
the transactions of business at an annual or special meeting.Jim seconded the motion.All voted in favor with the exception of Peter who voted no.
proposed by laws in section 3.2 (b) Numbers read as follows. “The
immediate Past President of the corporation shall be an ex officio
member of the Board of Directors who is not counted in the numbers
of the Board of Directors; the Past President shall have voice but
no vote as an ex-officio member of the Board of Directors in the
affairs of the corporation.If
the President seeks and wins a second consecutive term, that person
becomes both the ex-officio and President in terms of membership on
the board.”Neil
motioned and Dave seconded to strike the line “If the President
seeks and wins a second consecutive term, that person becomes both
the ex-officio and President in terms of membership on the board.”All voted in favor.
continued about if the ex-officio could make motions and second
motions at board meetings.It
was the consensus of the board that the ex-officio can make motions
and second motions.
motioned and Steve seconded to have 2 year terms for officers of the
organization.All voted
in favor.
followed concerning the bond requirement for the Treasurer of the
organization.As far as
any current board member knew, NO bond has ever been purchased on
behalf of the Treasurer.Kim
motioned and Neil seconded for the MTA to purchase a bond.All voted in favor.Darrel
will contact the insurance agent concerning this bond and the cost.Darrel will forward this information to the Board.
followed concerning the number of zone directors and the difficulty
of the southern zone in finding new directors.One suggestion was to have only 2 zone members elected at the
zone level and the other 3 being directors at large elected at the
annual meeting.Kim
motioned and Stan seconded to keep the zone directors at 3 per zone.All voted in favor.
concluded the discussions concerning the bylaws.Ron B will retype the bylaws and have available at the April
board meeting.
discussed the shoot date selection process and suggested that in
September 2008 a meeting of all the registered clubs in
along with the senior zone director from the various zones be set to
discuss the concerns and issues of the clubs.All agreed.
then discussed the Zone and State shoot dates for 2009.The zone dates are set for June 20-21 and the state shoot is
set for July 6-12. Kim made the motion to accept the dates as stated
and Stan seconded the motion.All
voted in favor.
Glenn Vinton
had emailed a suggestion for the state shoot in which all traps for
the Diamond Badge be started at the same time and all 50 targets
would be shot on the same trap.Mark motioned and Ron B seconded to start all 18 fields and
not to have shooters shift traps for singles and handicap.All voted in favor.
discussed that once a shooter (male shooter) attains his 15
birthday, they automatically move to the 20 yard line unless they
have already attained that yard line.Female shooters would remain at the 19 yard line.
MTA Hall of Fame nominations were presented by Neil. One shooting
member and one supporting member were chosen to be inducted.
Ron Noren
was the only shooting member nominated and was unanimously voted
into the Hall of Fame.Tom
Ron Baker
, and
Kathy Lahti
were submitted for supporting members.A paper ballot followed with
Kathy Lahti
being inducted.
discussed applying for a “Friends of the NRA” grant.Dave Smith was volunteered to work on the application
for Minnesota State Teams were discussed.Kim motioned and Dave seconded to amend the current
motion was tabled due to a lack of vote and is to be discussed at
the April 2008 board meeting.
Hall of Fame inductions will be before the youth auction at the 2008
motioned and Peter seconded to adjourn with all voting in favor.