
DECEMBER 2, 2006

President Mark Zauhar called the meeting to order at 9:30 a.m.

Members Present: Mark Zauhar, Glenn Vinton, Darrel Terning, Neil Winston, Peter Falk III, Ron Noren, Dave Smith, Kim Krueger, Steve Richards, Jim Walkowiak, Glen Lonneman

Members Absent: Paul Cyr, Dave Stearns, Glenn McLeod, Stan Durda

Others Present: Ronald Baker, Steve Schmidt, Cindy Townsend, Tom Townsend

Mark Z reviewed the minutes of the September 9, 2006

Jim W presented the targets selection for the 2007 state shoot. Recob was the winning bid with White Flyer targets. Recob will contribute $1,000 as sponsorship of an event. This amount will be a reduction in the first billing. All bids received were within $300.

Mark Z presented that he has started the beginning process of creating a new lease with the Alexandria Shooting Park.

Darrel T presented the financial information for 2006. The organization as a whole has a profit of $29,947 at October 31, 2006. The state shoot had a loss of $927 and the youth fund has a profit of $19,603. DT then presented on the cost of the youth day and the ½ price targets at the state shoot. The total costs and donated entry fees at the state shoot totaled $24,437.71. The MTA received $30,695 to date with the majority coming from the youth auction and donations from the Central Minnesota Gun Club. CMGC contributed $9,000 in 2006 of which $3,000 was for 2006, 2007 and 2008 respectively.

Mark Z presented on a South Metro Gun Club. West End Gun Club and the Dakota County Sportsmen’s group along with the State of Minnesota are looking to create a shooting facility near Rosemount on 2,400 acres. This project would be financed by the State of Minnesota and out side donations. A new nonprofit organization would be created to operate the grounds. Mark Z has spoke to the Group of Six about the possibly of a new club large enough to handle the state shoot close the Twin Cities. In the new lease there will be a clause allowing a change in venue for the state shoot in the event of this new club. It would be at least 4-6 years before the club would be ready. Kim K motioned and Darrel T seconded to allow Mark Z to discuss and pursue this new endeavor with the Department of Natural Resources and State Representatives. All voted in favor.

Cindy Townsend presented on Presquad.com credit card and pay pal options and that presquad.com now charges a $125 to state organizations using this program. Kim K motioned and Mark Z seconded to pay the $125 fee. All voted in favor. Discussion followed on the availability of individuals using credit cards or pay pal to pay for the $2 per person per event fee on presquad.com versus paying by check. The service will charge a fee to the person presquading in the amount of 10% the amount due or at least $1 or the organization could absorb the cost. Kim K motioned and Peter F seconded to allow credit card or pay pal payments to presquad.com and the fee will be paid by the shooter. All voted in favor.

Cindy T presented on new computer hardware to be used at the state shoot. The discussion was table except for the need for a server. The board voted at an earlier meeting to purchase a server which has not been completed.

Mark Z present on a new youth initiative. Board members have been assigned to various clubs throughout the state in an attempt to contact and develop club “coaches” who would help to establish school contacts. The clubs would then follow the model of the SCTP which Dave S presented on. This would lead to more shooters at the local clubs and hopefully additional shooters in the ATA. Additional discussions will follow at upcoming meetings.

Discussion ensued concerning the growing cost of the youth day and the ½ price targets during the state shoot. The number of youth shooters who only participate at the youth day was a key discussion point. Dave S motioned and Jim W seconded to charge the youth ½ price for the entire state shoot including the youth day. The shells will remain free. A vote followed with all being in favor.

Glenn V motioned and Jim W seconded to continue on with the SCTP program with all voting in favor.

Discussion followed concerning the target fees for the 2007 state shoot. All concurred that the fees will be the same as 2006.

Discussion about the $2 added money followed. Neil W motioned and Ron N seconded that the added money of $2 per entry fee be included in the payouts starting on Wednesday (HOA) and continue through Sunday. All voted in favor. Darrel is to cut the payoffs for the championship events to offset the increased cost of the added money.

Mark Z motioned and Jim W seconded to have Fladeboe Auction conduct the youth benefit auctions at the state shoot with all voting in favor.

Darrel T read a letter from Kathy Lahti which discussed the need to increase the length of terms for the officers of the MTA. Currently the offices of President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasure are 1 year terms and the letter stated the possible need for 2 year terms. Discussion followed about the need to update the bylaws which was tabled for a future meeting.

Neil W presented Peter Falk III for induction into the MTA Hall of Fame as a supporting member. Kim K motioned and Ron N seconded that Peter be inducted into the HOF with a vote following and ALL being in favor.

Kim K requested a donation be given to the Forada First Responders who helped save Art Beckstroms life during the 2006 state shoot. The first responders will be on the grounds for the entire 2007 state shoot with a tent. Kim K motioned and Glen L seconded to provide the Forada First Responders a $1,000 donation. All voted in favor.

Kim K requested that board members be reimbursed mileage for the board meetings. Glen L motioned and Steve R seconded that a $.25 per mile reimbursement be available to board members who submit their miles to Darrel T. All voted in favor.

Neil W presented on the state of the ATA. The contract of John Norris, Executive Director, was not renewed. However, he will remain as tournament director. Neil also presented the state teams.

Mark Z discussed writing to people who have not renewed their ATA memberships and shot targets during 2004 and 2005. Mark will draft a letter and Neil W and Ron Baker will supply a list of possible people to mail the letter to.

Item tabled to the April board meeting include a discussion on classification.

Ron N motioned and David S seconded to adjourn at 2:27 p.m. with all voting in favor.