
DECEMBER 3, 2005

Meeting called to order 9:00 a.m.

Members present: Mark Zauhar, Darrel Terning, Dave Smith, Steve Richards, Kim Krueger, Peter Falk III, Glen Lonneman, Wally Shelstad, Jim Walkowiak, Stan Durda, Kent Griffiths.

Others present: Ron Baker (ex-officio), Steve Schmidt

Members absent: Glenn McLeod, Glenn Vinton, Neil Winston, Paul Cyr

Treasurers Report: Darrel spoke on the year to date profit the MTA has of $31,373 and referred to the minutes of the September Board meeting as to the increase in profit over prior years. Darrel also presented an analysis comparing the income/costs of prior state shoots to the current year.

Review of September board minutes: Mark Z. reviewed the minutes of the September board meeting..

  • The target committee researched various vendors and brands of targets. The board then voted on using White Flyer targets for the 2006 state shoot.

  • The advertising committee is working to increase advertising income.

  • Dave Smith and Kathy Lahti will be in charge of the 2006 youth program at the state shoot.

  • Mark Z to speak to Charles Delaney about contacting Federal Ammunition concerning their donation of shells to the youth program. 

  • Steve R motion seconded by Ron B to allow multiple sponsors for the youth program and list all sponsors in the state shoot program. 

  • Vote followed with all members in favor.

  • Discussion followed about the Alexandria Eagles club potential donation. Steve S suggested the MTA to bill ASP for the costs of the youth day and ASP would ask the Eagles for the donation. The MTA would bill ASP for the youth day fees ($26.50 per 100 targets per participant). The MTA would incur NO costs for rent, labor or any other costs of the youth day. Steve S to contact the Eagles club about the potential donation.

  • Computer Purchase: The MTA is to purchase a computer server that would be left at ASP. Cindy Townsend to speak to Ron B about purchasing the unit.

  • Motels/Hotels - Steve S assigned to get a deal worked out with various hotels in Alexandria which would include holding a block of rooms and discounted prices for the state shoot for shoot participants. Hotels offering the discounts would be included on a special page of the state shoot program for advertising. Shooters are reminded to say that they are participants at the state shoot when reserving rooms. All raffle winners have been notified with the exception of 1 which Mark Z is attempting to contact.

  • Mission Statement: Mark Z and Dave S presented suggestions on a mission statement for the MTA. 

  • Discussions included that in the past the MTA seemed concerned with the current year state and zone shoots versus looking into the future. 

The new mission statement would be used to enhance the MTA. The following statement was developed: Ensure the future of All trapshooting in Minnesota by supporting youth programs, range development and preservation. 
Kim K motioned to accept the mission statement seconded by Jim W voted followed with all in favor. 

Mission Statement Goals and Objectives: The following goals and objectives of the mission statement were developed.

Increase the cash savings balance by $35,000 per year for each of the next 5 years.

Increase youth participation at the Minnesota State Shoot by 100 participants per year for the next 5 years.

Develop parameters under which the state shoot needs to operate by the 2006 state shoot. This would achieve a long-term site arrangement for the state shoot.

Increase the total shoot attendance in the championship events at the state shoot by 10% per year in each of the next 5 years.

Increase 10% per year the total number of registered shooters in Minnesota for each of the next 2 years.

Stan D motioned to accept the goals and objectives as stated above, Peter F seconded voted followed with all in favor.

Improve Cash Flows:

Novice Class: 

  • Develop a novice class by increasing the number of trophies at the state shoot to include champion and runner-up trophies for novice shooters in all championship events. The novice status definition is that the shooter has had NO registered targets prior to the current target year. Ron B motioned and Kim K seconded to increase the number of novice trophies and leave the definition of a novice as previously stated. Voted followed with all in favor.

  • To entice more people to join the MTA, the MTA would pay $9 of the ATA annual membership. This would be ½ of the adult membership and All of the junior membership. 

Glen L motioned and Peter F seconded for the MTA to pay the $9 toward a novice shooters ATA fees. Vote followed with all in favor.

Changes to the state shoot: Mark Z presented the follow proposed changes to the state shoot.

1. Start HOA on Wednesday instead of Thursday

2. Move the annual meeting to Saturday afternoon following the singles shoot

3. Move the Diamond Badge to Friday to run concurrent with the Friday program

4. Move the Championship Doubles to Sunday before the Handicap Championship

5. Replace the Championship Doubles with 100 singles on Friday

6. Move the youth competition to Monday and add Tuesday to the program, 100 of each event designated as preliminary events

Discussion on item 1 included using a 1-year trial period to test the shooter attendance. 
Kent G motioned and Stan D seconded to approve item 1. A hand voted followed with all in favor.

Discussion on item 2 included concerns about time constraints due to the length of the day and attendance. MTA board to document the ending shoot time at the 2006 state shoot for a possible future change in the time of the annual meeting. 
Dave S motioned and Kim K seconded to leave the annual meeting at 8:00 on Sunday morning of the state shoot. Voted followed with all in favor.

Discussion followed on item 3 that included the profitability of the Diamond Badge event. 
Kent G motioned and Wally S seconded to leave the schedule of the Championship events and Diamond Badge as they were in 2004 (Championship Doubles Friday afternoon, Singles Saturday, Diamond Badge following the annual meeting on Sunday, and Championship Handicap following the Diamond Badge). Vote followed with Glen L voting no and all others in favor.

Discussion followed on item 6: 
Glen L Motioned, seconded by Peter F to accept item 6. Voted followed with all in favor.

Other discussion included the trophy list for Tuesday to be the same as 2005 Wednesday. 
Kim K motioned seconded by Kent G to included the Tuesday trophies as stated. Vote followed with all in favor.

Advertising Increase:

Wally S suggested using press releases along with articles to Outdoor News and Minnesota News Network to expand exposure of the MTA to other non-registered people. Wally S also suggested having celebrities appear at the State shoot such as Kent Hrbek, Ron Schara, Tim Pawlenty and/or Mike Hatch. Mark Z to inquire about Mr. Pawlenty and Mr. Hatch. Wally S to inquire about Mr. Hrbek and Mr. Schara.

Send more programs:

Mark Z suggested sending more state shoot programs to registered shooters in Northern Iowa, Eastern North Dakota, and Western Wisconsin in an attempt to expand exposure of the Minnesota State shoot to non-residents. Stan D motioned and Jim W seconded to send the additional programs. Vote followed with all in favor.

Stan Durda’s proposals:

Stan Durda presented proposals on how to improve the MTA and the State shoot that he disbursed to the BOD at the September meeting.

1. Proposal one—The MTA board develops a membership campaign targeting league shooters. Discussion included that the MTA board create committees to set up informational stands during league nights to answer general questions about the ATA, registered shooting and sign up new members. Also ATA membership has not increase significantly over the past 10 years and that league shooters have always been the feeder group of new membership, however an aggressive campaign to attract new members from this group has never been achieved. Motion by Stan D seconded by Wally S to establish a committee to set up programs to solicit new league shooters and have a $500 budget to draw from in order to accomplish this task. Vote followed with all in favor. Stan will chair the committee

2. Proposal two—to get more vendors at the state shoot and make to atmosphere at the shoot more like a carnival. The vendors need not only be for the shooting sports, but possibly jewelry, pottery and more food vendors. Steve Schmidt and ASP to get committee together for additional vendors from the Alexandria area. Stan D to be the liaison to/from the MTA board.

Increased Trophies:

Mark Z proposed new ways to allocate added money and increase trophies by eliminating the Zone shoot added money and the $2 entry fee added money at the state shoot. Discussion included that the added money at the Zone shoots was paid for by the ATA refund, which the MTA receives annually. Additional discussion included the $2 added money at the State shoot was a mandatory purse and the majority of shooter do not play options other than the Lewis purse.

1. Proposal on Added money—Pay nothing to the zone shoots. Add $3,000 to the trophy budget to cover additional trophies and change the state shoot payouts as follows:

MN Singles Championship:

Champion Resident $500

R/U Resident 250

2 Person Race 100

Champion N/R 250

MN Handicap Championship

Champion Resident $1,000

Champion N/R 500

R/U Resident 500

MN Doubles Championship

Champion Resident $500

Champion N/R 250

R/U Resident 500

HOA & HAA Resident $500

HOA & HAA N/R $250

Zone Champion of Champions $75 to each category champion and $75 to each member of the winning team.

2. Proposal on Additional Trophies at the State shoot:

Handicap Championship:

Add 11-15th places Resident 5

Add Champion to each yardage group 4

Add Champion to each yardage group non-resident 4

Add R/U to each category N/R 5

Single Championship:

Add 3rd place to resident 1

Add 3rd place to N/R 1

Doubles Championship:

Add 3rd place Resident 1

Add 3rd place N/R 1

Add 3rd place to each resident class 6

Add R/U each class N/R 6

Friday Handicap:

Add 4-10th places Resident 7

Add 4 yardage groups resident 4

Add R/U to N/R categories 5

Add R/U to resident categories 5

Total 55

33 Additional trophies for residents and 22 for nonresidents

Original proposal included additional NR trophies for runner-up in each class for the Doubles and Singles Class Championship events that were eliminated through discussion by the BOD.

Peter F motioned and Ron B seconded to accept the new proposal for added money and the trophy list (see above). Vote followed with all in favor.

Increase Youth Participation:

Dave S spoke on the various youth shooting sponsored activities which are available including the Scholastic shooting program and various grants available for organizations to use to promote the shooting sports to youth. Dave S to present more information at the next BOD meeting.

Lease Requirements:
Committee comprising of Mark Z, Darrel T, Glen Vinton, Wally S to derive parameters for a club to facilitate future state shoots by 2006 state shoot. This would include number of traps, camping space, vendor space, food distribution etc.


Committee formed to review current bylaws and suggest changes. Members include Peter F, Neil Winston, Mark Z and Darrel T.

Youth Benefit Auction:

Mark Z proposed using a professional Auctioneer for the youth auction. Fladeboe Auctions would charge a reduced fee of $500. Kent G motioned and Jim W seconded to accept the professional Auctioneer for 2006. Vote followed with all in favor.


Stan D motioned and Wally S seconded to continue the newsletter. 1 mailed with the shoot cards late in the year and 1 mailed just prior to the state shoot. Voted followed with all in favor.

MTA Hall of Fame Nominations:

Harold Ibach, Scott Gens, Art & Barb Thompson, and Tom Larkin were nominated for induction into the MTA Hall of Fame. Private Ballot vote followed with Scott Gens and Tom Larkin being nominated to the MTA Hall of Fame.

Additional Canterbury Voice Release Systems:

Kim Krueger motioned to have the MTA purchase 2 additional Canterbury Voice Release Systems. Jim W seconded the motion. Vote followed with all in favor. Kim K / Steve Schmidt to order the systems and mail the invoice to Darrel T for payment.

White Flyer Target Order:

4 Loads of White Flyer targets to be ordered in March from Recob.

2007 State Shoot Dates:

The 2007 state shoot dates are as follows: July 9-17, 2007.

Next meeting date:

April 29, 2006 at Buffalo Gun Club at 9:00 a.m.

Motion to Adjourn:

Steve R motioned seconded by Peter F to adjourn at 3:09 p.m. with all in favor.