SEPTEMBER 20, 2008
President Mark Zauhar called the meeting to order at 2:00.
Members present: Mark Zauhar, Jim Walkowiak, Cindy Townsend, Glenn Linden, Kim Krueger, Ron Noren, Darrel Terning, Steve Richards, Paul Cyr, David Stearns, George Pappas, and Glen Lonneman
Members absent: Dave Smith, Kathy Lahti, Neil Winston
Others present: Steve Schmidt, Sheri DeJong, Tom Townsend
Darrel presented the August 31, 2008 financial statements of the organization. Cash balances totaled $173,588 of which $79,389 relates to the youth fund. Net Income totaled $26,895. The state shoot made $3,116 and the youth fund made $18,586. It was noted that the state shoot made money because the youth fund was able to pay for the ½ price targets which totaled $9,037. Darrel asked for board approval to obtain a Certificate of Deposit to invest cash balances. The board agreed. Darrel explained that no contribution has been received by the Alexandria Eagles for the past 2 years. He also discussed a preliminary budget he has been working on to assist in setting the 2009 state shoot target fees.
Darrel discussed shooter attendance by day noting that the youth day was up 21 competitors from 2007. This was an 11.8% increase. The rest of the shoot was down 9.6%. The championship events were down as follows: Doubles 11.68%, Singles 11.76% and Handicap 21.37%. Darrel discussed and asked what could be changed to increase attendance including changing back the HOA date to Thursday and questioned what to do with Tuesday which had total entries of 326 in 2006, 104 in 2007 and 168 in 2008. He did note that the weather the past 2 years on Tuesday has been tough. Discussion ensued with further discussion to occur at the December annual meeting.
Mark Z discussed the 10 day notice to speak at the MTA annual meeting at the state shoot which Neil Winston motioned for at the 2008 state shoot and the membership voted in favor for. Mark discussed the motion with attorney Richard Ronning to see if it was handled correctly in conjunction with the MTA bylaws and Mr. Ronning felt it was not appropriate. It was also discussed if the 10 notice would give the MTA board enough time to discuss the issues brought up at the Zone shoots seeing how the MTA board does not have an official meeting after the state shoot and before the annual meeting at the state shoot. Darrel suggested having a short annual meeting of the board to discuss the issues of the zones and any other items on Tuesday or Wednesday at the state shoot. The 10 day notice to be discussed at the December annual meeting.
Mark Z discussed having the Senior Zone Directors to discuss election of the officers and nominations at the December annual meeting.
Jim W discussed competitive shoot dates and conflicting clubs. Jim suggested a 75 mile limit between clubs holding registered shoot on the same day. Discussion included having all the clubs who hold registered shoots or are interested in holding registered shoots to attend the December 2008 annual meeting. Glen L motioned to have the various clubs to come to the annual meeting in December at 4:00 and resolve shoot dates for 2009. Cindy T seconded the motion with all voting in favor.
Jim W and Glen L motioned to discuss the 75 mile limit with clubs at the December 2008 annual meeting which would take effect for 2010 shoot dates, the rule be a bylaw change to take effect for the 2010 target year and all years after, clubs who have had a shoot date last will take priority in choosing that specific date, the MTA Secretary/Treasurer will be the arbitrator for clubs who are dead locked on dates, a coin flip with the club whose name is alphabetically first would call the coin flip. Steve R seconded the motion with all voting in favor.
Mark Z discussed a High School State Shoot sponsorship. The MTA would pay for the targets, lunch and trophies. Trophies could be given to 3 schools. Paul motioned to progress forward with the High School State Shoot and Darrel seconded with all voting in favor.
Mark discussed the state shoot evening events. Possibilities include a Tuesday steak fry with Steve S to find the costs of this event, George Pappas to have a fish fry on Wednesday, Miss –n – Out on Thursday.
Mark discussed trophies at the state shoot with Paul to bring a proposal to the December meeting. George P discussed the zone trophies and motioned to have 2nd place trophies by class and have category trophies. Steve seconded the motion with all voting in favor. George motioned to have the Zone Champion of Champions event to include doubles. The motion died for lack of a second.
Mark Z discussed the Target Requirement Dates for minimum target requirements at the 2009 MTA state shoot considering the ATA’s recent change. Paul motioned that the MTA target requirement dates to mirror that of the ATA (from 11/1 to 9/1) Mark Z seconded with all voting in favor. Shoots which begin in August 2008 and end in September 2008 will count towards the 2009 state shoot requirements as will all targets shot after 9/1/08 and before the 2009 state shoot.
Mark Z announced that Sheri DeJong will be the person in charge of advertising for 2009.
Mark Z discussed the MTA Hall of Fame pictures currently hanging in the hall at the Alexandria Shooting Park. Denise Gagner submitted a bid to reframe and mat the pictures at a cost of $17.95 each. Kim K motioned to spend $250 to complete the job; Jim W seconded the motion with all voting in favor.
Ron N will complete the NRA Grant to help with youth shooting costs.
Mark Z discussed the ATA Central Zone shoot and how it was awarded to the Owatonna Sportsmen’s Club. Mark would like to have the ATA Central Zone director discuss with the MTA board were to have the shoot.
Mark Z discussed the idea of the MTA setting up a facilities fund to finance club advancements. This will be discussed at the December annual meeting.
Cindy T motioned to have a $1 per day puller gratuity option included on the 2009 entry cards. Glenn L seconded with all voting in favor. This will be an optional item for shooters to participate in.
Mark Z has located a new printer for the 2009 state shoot program.
Darrel T and Steve R discussed the need to redefine how the novice and lady 2 trophies are awarded with discussion to be included at the December meeting.
Cindy T discussed the 100th anniversary of the Minnesota State Shoot (2010) and offered to chair a committee to start the planning process for this event. Steve R motioned to have Cindy chair the committee, Kim K seconded the motion with all voting in favor.
Paul C motioned to adjourn Ron N seconded with all voting in favor.