Dennis Steinhaus
Annandale, MN
Elected: 1998
Supporting Member
1969, Denny has shot at 100,000+ singles, 75,000+ handicap and
47,000+ doubles targets. During that time, Denny has won trophies
at the State Shoot, Spring Grand, Golden West Grand, and many
other shoots.
He has been on the
All-State team eight times, He was a member of the MTA Board of
Directors from 1981-91 and served as MTA President in 1989-90.
In addition to his
many individual accomplishments, Denny has been instrumental in
guiding many kids in the sport of trapshooting. He began
with his own three daughters during the 70's and most recently
with his grandson during the 90's. In 1981, he helped to get the
Youth League started at the Central Minnesota Gun Club.
In 1989 he took the
Monticello Youth League Senior High Team to the Grand. In the past
six years, 1992-1997, he has taken several youth teams from
Annandale Conservation Club to the State Shoot and to the National
Championships at the Grand.
During these years,
his teams have earned four first places and one second place at
the State Shoot and two first places and five second places at the
Denny enjoys sharing
his sportsmanship and techniques of trapshooting with the kids
just as he has enjoyed learning from all the friends and
acquaintances he has met during the past 29 summers.