Neil Winston
St. Paul, MN
Elected: 2001
Shooting Member
Supporting Member
started shooting in 1982 at Metro Gun Club and joined the ATA that
fall. His first instructor was John Findorff; who got Neil
over the rough part everyone experiences at the beginning. His
major shooting accomplishments are two third places in the Clay
Target Championships at the Grand and one Minnesota Singles
Championship. In doubles he won the Henry Hein Trophy at the State
Shoot and the non-resident Doubles at the Iowa State Shoot.
He has been on eight State Teams.
Neil was elected ATA
Delegate in 1987 and held the post until 2000. Highpoints
were; Jim Bradford, past ATA President, and Neil were able to get
the misfire rule changed, and Neil was instrumental in getting the
3-hole target rule rescinded.
Neil has been a
Trustee of the Trapshooting Hall of Fame since 1992 and was
Chairman in his first year. Since then he has worked on
building the Youth Program at the Grand and other projects.