Fellow Shooters –
Welcome to the 110th Minnesota State Trapshoot. We hope you enjoy our shoot and we are thankful that you chose to attend. In 2019 the kids almost ran the table in the championship events. Jack Knaus won the doubles with a 98, and 2 rounds of shoot-offs over Ben Dietz. Ben Dietz won the 16’s with a perfect 200, and 6 rounds of shoot-offs over Randy Cook who took Vet. Ben Dietz also won the HAA for the second year in a row with a 396. In the handicap, Jake Mader won with the lone 99. The only non-junior to win a championship was the “old kid” Eric Munson with 1075 in the HOA. Congratulations to all of them.
Please take note of the following items for this year:
At the Annual Meeting on Sunday at 8:00 AM you will be required to show your paper average card in order to receive a paper ballot if one is required for the election of officers. Also, those in attendance inside the room will be the only ones allowed to cast a ballot.
We will be having a raffle again this year to raise funds to cover the costs of reduced price youth targets, and other youth related expenses. A little change from last year; we will raffle off a Blaser shotgun, and CZ-USA shotgun, and an ATA life membership. Tickets will be $20 each with 1500 available to sell. Let’s sell these out this year and support the youth shooting!!
For More information download this year’s program now!