Minnesota Trapshooting Association
MTA Hall Of Fame
Minnesota Trapshooting Hall of Fame
Mike Michaelis
Monticello, MN
Minnesota Trap Shooters 2024 Hall of Fame Inductee
It was 1980 when Mike Michaelis was first introduced to the sport of Trapshooting at the Monticello Rod and Gun Club. Making the switch from playing softball a few nights a week to shooting league, is what opened the door to what is now a way of life for Mike. After six years of shooting league, he became an ATA member and helped build the Monticello Sportsman’s Club later that year. Fast forward thirty-eight years, and MSC is now home to five traps that serve twenty-five league teams and one hundred local youth shooters three nights a week. Buying targets, sourcing shells, fixing traps, and running ATA shoots, Mike is always working hard to create an enjoyable place to shoot.
Since the start of his registered shooting career in 1986, Mike has not missed a single Minnesota State Shoot. His attendance was often met with helping set targets, fixing machines, or scoring shoot offs. Six of those years were also spent serving on the Board of Directors as well as two years as Vice President of the Minnesota Trapshooting Association.
When he’s not working, he sneaks in some shooting as well. It is Mike’s goal to support as many clubs across the United States as possible, so each year he visits at least one new location. As of February 2024, Mike has shot 73,100 Singles, 72,050 Handicap, and 63,050 Doubles targets in over thirteen states. His dedication has earned him a place on the MN Men’s Second Team six times in the years 2009, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2018, 2021 along with a spot on the Veteran’s First Team this last season. Just a few of his recent Minnesota titles include 2016 Sub Vet Doubles Champion, 2019 HAA class A Champion, 2019 HOA class A Champion, 2023 Vet Handicap Champion, 2023 class A Champion, and Vet Champion of Champions in 2023. However, his favorite accomplishment to date is getting to share the line with his kids David, Annah, Mariah, and son-in-law Matt.
Aside from his own shooting, Mike has devoted his spare time to making sure that anyone interested in trapshooting, has an opportunity to enjoy the sport. What started as hitting the patterning board and practice trap with his own three kids, has continued years later for those that find themselves at a gun club for the first time. Loaning guns, offering a ride to shoots, and reloading lightweight shells are just a few of the little things that Mike does that go a long way in growing the sport.
To Mike, his lifetime membership of the ATA is not so much about competing in the sport, as it is the lifelong friendships and memories that have been made along the way. Often, if he is going on a vacation somewhere, Mike is figuring out a way to get his gun and shells there too.